Tuesday 8 October 2024

Ben Challis' Project management placement at CooperVision

A placement year in Project management? I know this isn't for everyone and it is not the status quo but my placement year in project management has been an exceptional experience which I would highly recommend to anyone looking to become a project manager or develop their organisation and time management skills. 

After having my interest in project management sparked during modules in second year, I decided this was an area that, although I was initially unfamiliar with, I wanted to explore further. Fast forward almost two year and I have just completed my Global commercial PMO (Project Management Office) placement year at CooperVision. So let me take you through what this role involves: 

Managing project 
Yes, it doesn't take a genius to work out a placement in project management involves... Managing projects but what does this actually mean? 

 During my year I worked on a variety of projects with varying scale and scope, but all involved the implementation of IT systems to help our seller become more effective at selling contact lenses. Working on multiple different projects enabled me to experience every stage of the project Lifecyle and how each project manager is flexible to make adjustment in order to remain within the budget and time restraints. 

Working in a global team 
Due to the global nature of CooperVision this placement provided me with the opportunity to work with colleagues from every corner of the world. This enlightened me to different ways of working and best practise I would have otherwise never thought of. I have made connects across the globe and look forward to seeing where these may take me in the future. 

 Other areas of involvement 
Although my primary role was as a project manager an area CooperVision excel at is getting their interns involved in all areas of the business. 

For me this included: 
• Getting involved with the Pride ERG (Employee resource group) - A highlight being marching at Southampton pride. 
• Taking part in an intern project where we conducted a full review of the current fertility treatment policy.
 • An active involvement in the organisation and planning of team building days. 
• Organisation of charity week where our team ran carnival style games. 

As I hope I have been able to get across I believe a placement year in project management is an excellent option which can lead to a fulfilling career. I also cannot speak more highly of my experience working at CooperVision so even if project management isn't for you each year CooperVision hire lots of interns in all different areas of the business their options are worth exploring. 

 If anyone reading this has any questions about CooperVision or placement years in project management, please feel free to connect and message me on LinkedIn and I would be more than happy to help.

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