We talked about the 5 key areas for 1st year YIB students which will help when they come to make Placement applications in the following year:
1.Get actively involved in Societies/ Sports/ Volunteering in order to develop their skills (eg teamwork, leadership, initiative) for when they make placement applications/ attend interviews.
2. Set up a Linkedin profile and start networking with Employers. There are many events on campus this term where students can network including the Career's HR and Recruitment week (w/c 22/1/18), Marketing and PR week (w/c 5/2/18) and a number of Employer in Residence sessions.
More about networking here: http://yearinbusiness.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/networking-guide.html
3. Get work experience ! This could be part time work while at University , an insight week/ summer internship (search sites such as Rate my Placement and Indeed) or via your personal network/ Linkedin. https://yearinbusiness.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/work-experience.html
4. Meet the YIB Careers' Advisor for a 1:1 before September. Start thinking about your Placement Plans and discuss what you need to put in place to get ready to make. Check out Prospects' useful guide to different job descriptions: applications.https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles
5. Attend 2 x Year in Business Workshops in the Spring term and start practicing for Psychometric tests/ preparing your CV ahead of your return in September
Workshops for 1st year YIBs are:
Psychometric Test workshops Monday 19th February ( 2- 3pm) or Monday 26th February (12 - 1pm)
Careers/ CV workshop: Monday 5th March ( 2- 3pm) ; Tuesday 13th March (2 - 3pm)
Previous YIB Alvaro says: "Psychometric tests were an essential for all my placement applications, in fact they are the key for getting through the recruitment process of most placements whether you do it online or once you are invited for an interview. I highly recommend to get your head around these as early as possible, how they work and what to expect from them as different companies will have different types of tests” .
Use the Careers and Employability moodle page to access Practice tests (under Recruitment tests) and CV guidance and check out key questions about Year in Business (Finding a Placement) here: https://www.royalholloway.ac.uk/management/yearinbusiness/home.aspx
1st year YIBs presenting as part of Car Club Challenge |
The students heard from previous YIBs :
> Hippolyte Petit : Digital Marketing placement student at The Walt Disney Company 2015/16 - by video: http://yibprofile.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/hippolyte-petit-walt-disney-co.html
> Jordan Maxwell: Business Development placement student at VMWare 2016/17
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All presentations from the YIB Information evening can be found on the Year in Business Moodle page.
ed in Societies/ Sports/ Volunteering
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